Tuesday 16 August 2011

Missing knitting

The only trouble with summer holidays, and moving, and holidays, I have missed my knitting time. I am still managing to knit, but not as much as I used to. Mind you the house is a bit tidier because of it!!I started to wonder if I was going off it. But I'm not, I still think about it, and plan what I am going to do next. I think it doesn't help that my lovely hubby has said no more yarn buying. Now, he has said that before, but I haven't taken it seriously. Now he has a new job, we don't have so much spare income, so I have to take it seriously. Also when I tried to fit my yarn stash all in one trunk, I had a real job to!!I think I have lots of odd balls, which are suitable for hats and gloves, but I haven't done any yet. There is probably only enough for 3 or 4 big projects. I did think about selling some, but then I would lose money on most of it. I will just have to say I will make an effort to find patterns to go with the yarn I have. That's where Ravelry is great, you can spend hours (and I have) looking for patterns to go with the yarn you have. I am not going to knit for myself after I have finished the two things on my needles. I am not happy with the way I look, so when I put knitted things on, I look bigger. I could lose weight, but while there are cool original Doritos and wine - all within walking distance now, I can't see that happening.

I love reading other peoples blogs and having a snapshot into their lives. You  feel like you know them, and so sometimes I do comment on other peoples blogs, especially if something they have said has touched me.

I know not many people read my blog, but for me, it's like an online diary of my life, with a bit of knitting interspersed. It's like writing a journal, and its quite liberating in some ways. I know my parents don't know about it, so I can write about family stuff too. At the moment my mum is really struggling with anxiety and depression, and I find it really hard to deal with, as I havne't got a clue what it's like.

I have just been given a lovely knitting pattern with chunky wool. One of my daughters has said I can knit it for her. She's only a size 10 so it wouldn't take long. Note to self -STEP AWAY FROM THE LAPTOP - do not browse for chunky wool. Finish what you have started. Will let you know how I get on!!

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