Wednesday 17 August 2011

Night without end

My darling hubby has been away since Monday night. Now I really miss him, but also enjoy watching a dvd in bed, staying up late etc, until last night. I had just gone to sleep and my youngest, 7 year old, came in and said mum I've been sick. We go back downstairs (we are in an attic room) and he promptly goes back in the bathroom and is sick some more. I go into his bedroom to try and see what mess has been made, and his brother (11 year old) wakes up and is promptly sick all over the carpet too. I'm shouting do it on the bed, do it on the bed, and I figure it's easier to sort out sheets that carpets. By then it's mainly on the carpet. Then I just stand there and cry. My darling hubby is away, and I have to be the grown up, and clean up this mess. My eldest son (22) comes out of his room, and gives me a hug, but takes one look at the carnage, and goes back to bed. I attempt to clear up said mess, and I just can't. My stomach is heaving, and so I go downstairs and phone my hubby. He answers straight away, and I tell him the story, and cry some more, and on the phone he calms me down, and is so lovely. I get off the phone, and manage to clean up the mess. Then I get on with the cleaning job. Put kids in different beds, and I go on sofa. Then can't sleep. Washing machine blows electrics, I find fuse box, turn rcd back on, then all is well. Suddenly 3.30 before I can get to sleep. Wake up at 6 imagining I hear the sound of someone being sick!!Then that's it. The rest of the day has been watching dvds, iplayer etc (not got tv so don't watch proper tv). Did lot sof knitting. On the last sleeve of moonglow cardi, could get it finished in next couple of days. Youngest son is ok, next one has been floppy and weird all day. Long and short of it, my lovely hubby has come home early, and then will take well kids away tomorrow and me and sickest will follow down on friday, if he's better. Oh the joys of motherhood. Really appreciate being married to a help mate. Know it's so hard being a single parent, and so grateful for my lovely hubby. We have been married 21 years this year, and it's been the best 21 years of my life.

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