Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Having cake and not eating it!!

Yesterday was a beautiful day, so we were at my mums. We had a bbq and the kids had a swim in the pool too, very cold, but they don't care.

When we go to my mums, it's lovely. She usually buys some lovely cakes for pudding, and they are usually ones that I love too. Yum Yums. Now if you haven't had these cakes, you haven't lived. They are so moreish. I have been known to eat 4. I know 4 - what a pig. I also couldn't eat anything else for the day as I was so full. It was very greedy and I am sure that my body had such a huge sugar rush, that I was buzzing for the rest of the day.

Yesterday we had a bbq, which was lovely. I took some meat too. We had beefburgers, sausages and lamb kebabs. Mum had made homemade potato salad, which has smoked sausage, onions, gherkins and potatoes, and it's lovely. Also there were new potatoes with garlic butter on them, and salad. It was all so nice. I was quite restrained and ate until I felt full, but not uncomfortable. Then the cakes came out. Oooohhh it was so tempting. There were cream eclairs, cream coffee choux pastry buns, jam and cream donuts and normal jam donuts. And there were yum yums. I had been helping my dad with the dishes, so by the time I got outside 3 out of the 4 were gone, and my daughter was just taking the final one out of the box. I could feel my resolve melting as she picked it up and put it to her mouth. My brother was there too, and I asked if he had ever eaten one, he hadn't so my daugher broke off a bit for him. He too, got that manic glint in his eye. Well there was another box on the table unopened. My mum said, "Go on Sal, help yourself" (She is such an enabler) I picked up the packet, by then my mouth was salivating, and I could just imagine biting into the glazed icing then into the fried donut. Bet you know what happened next. No??Well I just licked the outside of the packet and gave them to my mum and told her to put them away from me, where I couldn't find them. Even I was impressed. I feel so pleased with myself.

I have been trying not to eat rubbish, and even one of my boys noticed tonight at tea time. They all had a mars ice cream for pudding, and I said I don't want them. He said, aren't you eating cakes or something, coz you said no yesterday as well. So somebody has noticed. I just hope my waistline will notice too, and start shrinking.

Knitting, still on the same thing (obviously). One more row and I am dividing for the fronts so half way mark. Hope to finish it by the end of next week. Can't go to knitting group on Thursday. My washing machine is broken, so repair man coming. Hole in flat roof above one of the bedrooms, so builder is coming. Friend coming for coffee too, so should be nice. Happy days. Tomorrow we are off to mums again. The weather is supposed to be good, so I may even get my costume on and go in. But then maybe not, the water is COLD.

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